SWWU's compound league awards points based on the combined scores of each university's two highest scoring compound archers, irrespective of gender or experience.
1st Leg - Virtual (Portsmouth)
Bristol (570) - Amy Bode 570
Cardiff (568) - Oliver Coupe 568
Exeter (550) - James Thomas 550
Swansea (550) - Caitlin Willoughby 550
2nd Leg - Swansea (Portsmouth)
Swansea (1111) - Dan Hickman 559, Caitlin Willoughby 552
Bath (1084) - Harry Semple 548, Josh Tongue 536
Exeter (557) - Nathan Chan 557
3rd Leg - Cardiff and Aberystwyth (Worcester)
Exeter (540) - James Thomas 281, Asher Smart 259
Cardiff (300) - Oliver Coupe 300
Swansea (290) - Dan Hickman 290
4th Leg - Bristol (Frostbite)
Swansea (652) - Dan Hickman 332, Caitlin Willoughby 320
Cardiff (340) - Oliver Coupe 340
Exeter (315) - James Thomas 315
Bath (234) - Nicia Dias Lourenco (N) 234
5th Leg - Plymouth (WA 18m)
Plymouth (1054) - Corey Richardson 529, Rob Hargreaves 525
Swansea (1048) - Daniel Hickman 540, Caitlin Willoughby 508
Cardiff (553) - Oliver Coupe 553
Exeter (530) - James Thomas 530
6th Leg - BUCS Indoor Regional Qualifiers (Portsmouth)
Plymouth (1114) - Rob Hargreaves 559, Corey Richardson 555
Swansea (1107) - Daniel Hickman 561, Caitlin Willoughby 546
Bath (1063) - Harry Semple 539, Nicia Lourenco Dias (N) 524
Bristol (565) - Amy Bode 565
Cardiff (563) - Oliver Coupe 563
Exeter (544) - James Thomas 544
7th Leg - Indoor Championships, Exeter (Bray 1 + H2Hs)
Exeter (515) - James Thomas 261, Nathan Chan 254
Cardiff (273) - Oliver Coupe 273
Plymouth (272) - Rob Hargreaves 272
Bath (238) - Nicia Lourenco Dias (N) 238
8th Leg - Swansea (WA 900)
Plymouth (1598) - Rob Hargreaves 814, Corey Richardson 784
Swansea (1581) - Dan Hickman 791, Caitlin Willoughby 790
Bath (633) - Nicia Dias Lourenco (N) 633
9th Leg - Outdoor Championships, Bristol (WA 720s + H2Hs)
Exeter (506) - James Thomas 506
Bath (480) - Nicia Dias Lourenco 480