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Writer's pictureSWWU Archery

Welcome to the SWWUniverse

Updated: Jul 20, 2019

Right across the region, students are weeping at the thought of having to live without SWWU until the end of October. But fear not, for your new SWWU coordinators are here to quench your thirst. It is with great pleasure that we introduce this, the SWWUniverse. An interactive website that allows SWWU members to plan, discuss and relish all things archery. This site has taken weeks to develop and we hope that, much like our beloved league, it continues to flourish for many years to come. And so, a tour...

On the News page, you can read about everything that has been going on recently, including reports from competitions, photos, personal achievements and much much more... You can even create an account using your university email address, allowing you to like and comment on posts.

The Tables page will be updated after each SWWU leg throughout the year, so you can follow your club's path to glory. New for the 2019-20 season, we have introduced a 2-person compound team trophy, including archers from any gender or experience.

The Calendar page will be updated regularly to include the latest information about upcoming SWWU fixtures as well as BUCS legs and BUTC. Because nobody likes to miss a SWWU leg...

Each Club also has its own information page, where you can find out just what makes Exeter the best club in the region. This is the place to go for prospective students to find out more about what each club can offer you, as well as contact details and social media links.

The Records page will soon have BUTTS quivering in their boots, showcasing the highest scores shot by SWWU archers across a variety of rounds. Think you've broken a record? Simply email a copy of your signed and completed scoresheet to the SWWU coordinators at

And introducing My SWWUniverse! This members portal is accessible by SWWU archers past and present, giving you the opportunity to create your own profile and like or comment on blog posts. Once your sign up request is approved, you will be given a badge to show which club you compete for - Just in case the SWWU rivalry wasn't fierce enough already...

And you thought that was it? Nope!

We also have brand new Twitter and Instagram accounts, so you can be sure that you'll never miss a thing.

Much like the milky way, the SWWUniverse is ever expanding. So if you have any ideas for features that you would like to see added to the site, or if you notice any issues with the site, then don't hesitate to get in touch via our new SWWU email account (

Much love,

Connor, Matt and Tom

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